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The Mental Health of Victims and Offenders in Criminal Justice

The research proposal is an initial assignment that describes/details your project. There are two parts that comprise it: (1) the topic description and (2) a working bibliography of at least 20 potential academic sources in AP format. Please note you are not expected to have read all the sources for the working bibliography. You are expected to have sufficiently reviewed them to determine their relevance/appropriateness for the topic.

Topic Selection and Description: well-developed 2-3-page document (double-spaced) that integrates the following elements:
Draft thesis statement (identify the problem you want to fix).
Detailed description of topic including relevant subtopics and relevant related ideas
Include background information: Historical context, definitions, statutes, policies, procedures, cases.
List and briefly discuss recommendations on how to fix the problem.
List and briefly discuss the social implications, both positive and negative (unintended consequences).
Working Bibliography: A preliminary list of potential academic sources that is related to your topic. Again, you are not expected to have read all the sources at this point. However, you should do an initial screening for topical relevance, potential biases/validity, and datedness (Is the source too old to be relevant, e.g., statistical/data sources).
At least 20 potential academic sources
Balance of primary and secondary sources
Significant number of scholarly (peer reviewed) journals and books as well as webpages, etc.
Central and all primary subtopics should have multiple sources
Please include a hyperlink at the end of each reference so that I may review your sources.


The overlap of mental health and the legal system is a significant problem in criminal justice, affecting people globally. Studies show that those with mental health issues are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system because of limited access to mental health services. This lack of access often exacerbates existing vulnerabilities, leading individuals to become entangled in the legal system rather than receiving the appropriate treatment and support they require (Torrey et al., 2015). This issue is not confined to any single country but is a global concern affecting diverse populations around the world.
It’s important to focus on the mental health needs of victims and offenders to stop violence and promote healing in the criminal justice system. By supporting diversion programs, specialized courts, and trauma-informed care, we can offer a more caring and helpful approach to those facing mental health issues. These interventions aim to provide holistic support that addresses the root causes of individuals’ involvement in the criminal justice system, fostering rehabilitation and reducing recidivism rates (Elbogen et al., 2018). Moreover, such approaches align with international human rights standards, which emphasize the importance of treating individuals with dignity and respect, regardless of their mental health status (United Nations, 2006).
Focusing on mental health within the global criminal justice system is essential for promoting social justice and safeguarding vulnerable populations. By incorporating evidence-based strategies and policies for mental health care, we can work towards creating more equitable and empathetic legal systems. Furthermore, international cooperation and knowledge-sharing initiatives can facilitate the dissemination of best practices and resources to support countries in implementing effective strategies for addressing mental health within the legal framework (World Health Organization, 2019). In the end, focusing on mental health in criminal justice reform can help build a fairer and more caring society for everyone, regardless of their mental health.
1. Torrey, E. F., Kennard, A. D., Eslinger, D., Lamb, R., & Pavle, J. (2015). More mentally ill persons are in jails and prisons than hospitals: A survey of the states. Treatment Advocacy Center.
2. Elbogen, E. B., Johnson, S. C., Wagner, H. R., Newton, V. M., Timko, C., Vasterling, J. J., … & Beckham, J. C. (2018). Protective factors and risk modification of violence in Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 79(2).
3. United Nations. (2006). Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Retrieved from to an external site.
4. World Health Organization. (2019). Mental health in prisons. Retrieved from to an external site.

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