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TITLE: Repetition structure: for loop, while loop, do..while loop Handle Menu

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Repetition structure: for loop, while loop, do..while loop
Handle Menu
Repetition structure: for loop, while loop, do..while loop Handle Menu to re-display – Distance Converter with user-defined functions
2 Weeks for 16 weeks class – 1 week for 8 weeks class
Remember to do the lab with the following:
*If you need help about the C++ syntax to write the code, read the instruction in the folder “Skills Required”
*From now and on yourLastName will be changed to your last name
*Your program should change Martinez to your last name
*Change Luis Martinez to your full name
*write the file name as the first comment line at the top of program
*After running your program, take the picture of the output window as below from your program with your name on and paste the picture at the bottom of the document having pseudo-code to turn in
Part 1: Use word document named SP2024_LAB5PART1_yourLastName to answer questions
Part 2:
Read the requirement; write in English the pseudo-code in a word document by listing the step by step what you suppose to do in main() and then save it with the name as Lab5_pseudoCode_yourLastName
Start Virtual Studio C++, create the project àwrite the project name For Part 2: SP2024_LAB5PART2_yourLastName Add .cpp file For Part 2: SP2024_DistanceConverter_yourLastName.cpp After adding the cpp file, you have an empty window coming up, type the following template of a C++ program in:
//File name should be written here as comment line
#include using namespace std;
int main() {
//add the code here below this line
system(“pause”); //This will pause the output to read
return 0;
Then follow the step by step in the pseudo-code, type the C++ code in after the line “//add the code here below this line”
Compile and run the program
Debug if there are any errors until compile successfully
Use the word document to write the answers to the following questions:
QUESTION 1 – for loop
Provide a C++ for loop that initialize sum to 0 then run 10 times. Each time generate and display one number as below that separates to other number by a comma; then add the number to sum.
After running the loop 10 times, we have the output as below:
3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 18, 24, 31, 39, 48
Sum of these numbers is: 195
QUESTION 2 – while loop
Suppose we declare the following variables:
int count = 0;
int iNumber = 1, previous = 1, product = 1;
Write the while loop that do the following if product is still less than or equal to 2024
-increase count by 1
-set previous equal to product
-lets the user enter a number for intNumber, intNumber can be 1 or any number, each time enter different the previous values.
-multiply iNumber with product and the result is stored back to the variable product. After the loop stop, display the output in the following format (for example)
At count =4
Previous product = 945
Input number= 32
Product =30240
If product = 2024 instead of product = 1 at the beginning. How many times does the while loop iterate such that the product <= 2024? QUESTION 3 – do while loop 3A Suppose we define the following variables: int count = 0; int iNumber = 1, previous = 1, product = 1; Write the do..while loop that do the following when the product is less than or equal to 2024 -increase count by 1 -set previous equal to product -lets the user enter a number for intNumber, intNumber can be 1 or any number, each time enter different the previous values. -multiply iNumber with product and the result is stored back to the variable product. After the loop stop, display the output in the following format (for example) At count =4 Previous product = 945 Input number=32 Product =30240 3B If product = 3000 instead of product = 1 at the beginning. How many times does the do..while loop iterate such that the product < 2022 QUESTION 4: Write/Read the file 4A.Write to file Write the code to do the following: -Display message to ask then read input from the keyboard about the following information: * accountNumber (string) * customerName (string) * balance (float) -open output file customer.txt to write: -Write to the output file customer.txt the following information that have read input from the keyboard in the following format: accountNumber – customerName – balance For example: 1561163623- Luis Martinez – 2845.25 -close file 4B – Read from the file Open notepad, type the following lines with the file name as data.txt 1112243433 - Mary Lane – 1250.366 2123312344 – John Smith – 2134.25 1561175753 - James Smith – 1255.25 -provide the C++ code to open file data.txt to read -Use the loop to read file -Read each line of the file then display on screen -continue reading and displaying on the screen all the lines until end of the file -Write: “End of the file data.txt” on the screen -close data.txt file QUESTION 5 – Use do..while loop to redisplay the menu Provide the do..while loop to display the following menu on the screen. After users select a process; the loop must loop back to display the menu until users select 0 to exit MENU 1. Process 1 2. Process 2 3. Process 3 0. Exit Type a number 1, 2, 3 to select the Process: Read the number. Write the switch statement based on the selected number: If selected number = 1: Display “You select Process 1” If selected number = 2: Display “You select Process 2” If selected number = 3: Display “You select Process 3” If selected number = 0: Display “You select Exit” For other number: Display “Invalid Process.” LAB 5 - PART2 REQUIREMENT SP2024_DistanceConverter_yourLastname.cpp Use C++ to create an application that provides the following menu with 4 user-defined functions to convert the distance between miles and kilometers; then allow users to enter a number from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 to select a function: SP2024_DistanceConverterApplication_Martinez.cpp MENU DISTANCE CONVERTER – LUIS MARTINEZ --------------------------------------------------- Formula: Miles to Kilometers Formula: Kilometers to Miles Estimate: Miles to Kilometers Estimate: Kilometers to Miles Exit Type a number from 1 to 4 to select the method to convert or 0 to exit: For each selected number, you should access one user-defined functions 4 USER-DEFINED FUNCTIONS are: -function converts miles to kilometers: this function reads a mile’s value from the keyboard, then apply the following formula to convert it to kilometers and display the output Distance in km= Distance in miles * 1.60935 -function converts kilometers to miles: this function reads a kilometer value from keyboard, then apply the following formula to convert kilometer value to mile and display the output Distance in miles = Distance in km* 0.62137 -function converts miles to kilometers: this function reads a mile’s value from the keyboard, then apply the following estimate to convert it to kilometers and display the output Distance in km= Distance in miles * 8/5 -function converts kilometers to miles: this function reads a kilometer value from keyboard, then apply the following estimate to convert it to mile and display the output Distance in miles = Distance in km* 5/8 HOW TO TURN IN THE LAB ATTENTION: Compress each project folder into a file .zip or a file .rar. that includes source files and execute files. -If you do not have the source file and execute file, your lab gets 0 points -If you do not provide file .exe of the part, you only have half of the max score of the part You should turn in the following files: 1.LAB4PART1_Answers_yourLastName.docx 2.Lab5_pseudoCode_yourLastName.docx (including Pseudo-code and the output pictures part2) (including file SP2024_DistanceConverterApplication-YourLastName.cpp and file SP2024_LAB5PART2_yourLastName.exe) Struggling with your essay and deadlines? Get this or a similar paper done in as fast as 4 hours, 24/7. NB: We do not sell prewritten papers. All essays are written from scratch according to are specific needs and instructions Secure Service  Plagiarism Free  On-time Delivery WRITE MY ESSAY

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