Present and discuss the setting for your practicum and ideas for your project. What is the purpose of conducting an organizational needs assessment? What needs have you identified? What tools or methods did you utilize to determine the need? working on: The focus of the proposed practicum is to build lasting work relationships between the staff and the target population (veterans). As a result, it promotes professionalism while improving staff coordination and productivity, resulting in potentially successful project results. Developing an environment of professionalism, trust, and effective communication and accountability for all the players to facilitate the easy achievement of goals. As the leader in this proposed practicum project, I hold myself solely accountable and, in turn, expect others to uphold accountability in serving the target population (veterans). My focus would be building collaboration through communication with others, which helps create a sense of togetherness and community in addressing major issues faced within the facility and subsequently developing into my leadership role. Develop a working team and teamwork among the major players in delivering desired services to the veteran. Additionally, professionalism and collaboration would facilitate the desired environment in delivering continued learning and education environment serving veterans with dignity and maximum respect in addressing the diverse veterans’ needs._ ANSWER. PAPER DETAILS Academic Level Masters Subject Area Nursing Paper Type Assignment Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words Sources false Format APA Spacing Double Spacing If the sample didn’t load click the reload button belowReload Order a plagiarism free paper today !
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