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Home » When writing this Financial Plan, you need to cover all the content of this course. 10 topic units must be written. The pdf is the detailed homework requirements, and the word is a templat

When writing this Financial Plan, you need to cover all the content of this course. 10 topic units must be written. The pdf is the detailed homework requirements, and the word is a templat

When writing this Financial Plan, you need to cover all the content of this course. 10 topic units must be written. The pdf is the detailed homework requirements, and the word is a template that needs to be written directly in it.

1. current age: 25
2. gender: male
3. current relationship status: single
4. anyone who is currently financially dependent on you: no
5. country of residency or citizenship: Singapore, Oversea Student in Australia, plan to pursue residency in Australia in the future
6. current residential living circumstances: renting a property in Sydney, 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, AUD$3041 per month
7. current mode of study: full time student, oversea student in Australia, Master of Finance majored in Commerce, expect to complete my current degree at the end of this year
8. current employment status: not working
9. received financial support from parents, AUD$6500 per month
Personal financial plan must be Australia based, which means that it includes currency, taxes, retirement policies, work, and living costs, all of which must be written with reference to living in Australia.



Please submit in Microsoft Word format with filename: ID Plan.docx Please make regular backups of your work to avoid loss of content

Personal Financial Planning
Financial Plan Assignment

Student Details:

Student ID:

Replace this text with your student ID

Given name:

Replace this text with your given name

Family name:

Replace this text with your family name

Degree program:

Master of Commerce



Word count:

The number of words in your financial plan.

Student Declaration:

☒ This assessment is my own work and has not been done in collaboration with anyone else.


1. Current Situation (Unit 1) 2
2. Life Planning (Unit 2) 2
3. Financial Strategy (Unit 2) 3
4. Financial Independence (Unit 3) 3
5. Career Strategy (Unit 4) 3
6. Property and Loans (Unit 5) 3
7. Risk Management (Unit 7) 3
8. Taxation Planning (Unit 8) 3
9. Investment Strategy (Units 9 and 10) 3
10. Action Plan (Unit 10) 3
11. Compliant Statements of Advice (Unit 6) 4
References 4
Appendices 5

To update page numbers in table of contents:
Click on Table of Contents then go to ‘References’ then select ‘Update Table’ under the ‘Table of Contents’ group

Current Situation (Unit 1)

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.
Basic Information
Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Income Statement

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.
Balance Sheet
Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.
Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.
Estate Planning
Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.
Anticipated Irregular Cash Outflows
Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Life Planning (Unit 2)

Life Values and Principles
Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.
Life Stages
Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.
Life Goals
Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Financial Strategy (Unit 2)

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Financial Independence (Unit 3)

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Career Strategy (Unit 4)

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Property and Loans (Unit 5)

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Risk Management (Unit 7)

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Taxation Planning (Unit 8)

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Investment Strategy (Units 9 and 10)

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.

Action Plan (Unit 10)

Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.
Compliant Statements of Advice (Unit 6)
Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.


Please refer to Financial Plan Assignment Instructions for what you should write in this section.


Please delete this is you do not need any appendices.



INSTRUCTIONS Financial Plan Assignment

Overview 2
Weight 2
Due Date 2
Backup your work 2
Late Penalties 3
Special Consideration 3
Individual Assessment 4
No Artificial Intelligence 4
Template 5
Software 5
Formatting 5
Table of Contents 6
File Format 6
File Name 6
Word Limit 7
References and citations 7
Privacy 7
Spouse or Partner 8
Foreign Countries and Currencies 8
Financial Assistance from Family 9
Religion and Interest 9
File Size 9
Writing Style 10
Structure and Content 10
Title Page 11
1. Current Situation (Unit 1) 11
2. Life Planning (Unit 2) 17
3. Financial Strategy (Unit 2) 21
4. Financial Independence (Unit 3) 22
5. Career Strategy (Unit 4) 22
6. Property and Loans (Unit 5) 23
7. Risk Management (Unit 7) 25
8. Taxation Planning (Unit 8) 26
9. Investment Strategy (Units 9 and 10) 26
10. Action Plan (Unit 10) 27
11. Compliant Statements of Advice (Unit 6) 27
References 28
Appendices 28
Submission 28
Assessment Criteria 30
Marking Rubric 31
Grades and Feedback 31

Financial Plan Assignment 2


This is an individual assignment. Copying the work of another student, basing your
financial plan on another student’s work, asking anyone else to write your financial
plan, obtaining assistance from an Artificial Intelligence computer program, providing
a copy of your financial plan to another student or posting your financial plan on a
website is academic misconduct and will result in a fail grade being awarded for this
The financial plan that you will develop is far more comprehensive (and useful) than a
typical ‘Statement of Advice (SOA)’ that a financial adviser would prepare for a client.
This is because the focus of this course is on understanding the broad issues that
financial advisers need to consider when advising clients. The follow-on course to this
one, Financial Planning Advice and Ethics, will focus on the process of developing
a compliant and ethical SOA for clients. Nevertheless, under the final section of
your Assignment you are required to identify the differences between the Financial
Plan that you are submitting for this course and a compliance Statement of Advice
The purpose of this assignment is to help you to develop a detailed financial plan that
will act as a financial roadmap for the rest of your life. Each section of your financial
plan provides you with the opportunity to reflect deeply on the theory covered in the
course and to make practical, specific and detailed application of that theory to your
expected future life stages. You should work on your financial plan gradually during
the term as you cover each Unit. You should use the Microsoft Word template provided
and submit the final document in Microsoft Word format. There is no word limit for this
assignment but most submissions are between 3,000 and 9,000 words.

Due D
The Financial Plan assignment is worth 30% of your assessment for this course.
The due date for the financial plan assignment is as follows:
Assessment component Due Date*
Financial Plan Assignment 10:00pm Saturday Week 9 (27 Apr 2024)

Backup your work
You should be writing your financial plan assignment gradually over the term after you
have completed each Unit. You also need to plan for a situation in which the file may

Financial Plan Assignment 3

become corrupted or your device is damaged. Please create regular copies of your
work and place them into a ‘Backups’ folder. Make sure this folder is synchronised onto
a USB key or a cloud-based storage solution such as OneDrive or Dropbox (or an
equivalent service in China for students who cannot access these services). Note that
University provides you with a free Onedrive account. Loss of data or a damaged
device does not constitute grounds for Special Consideration.

If you lose your file and are unable to restore from a backup, a standard late penalty
of 5 marks (out of 100) per day will apply. Technical problems with your file or
device does not represent grounds for a Special Consideration extension
Note that if you have saved your file in your Onedrive account, you should be able to
restore a backup from your file history. Here is a link on how to do this.
Late Penalties
Late submission will incur a penalty of 5% per day or part thereof (including weekends)
from the due date and time. An assessment will not be accepted after 5 days (120
hours) of the original deadline unless special consideration has been approved. An
assignment is considered late if the requested format, such as hard copy or electronic
copy, has not been submitted on time or where the ‘wrong’ assignment has been
The late penalty applies to your score for the financial plan (not the maximum possible
score). For example, if your raw score is 70/100 and the plan is submitted 2 days late,
a 10 mark penalty will apply and so your score would be reduced to 60/100.
Note that there is a small ‘grace period’ of a few minutes after the submission time to
allow for slow internet connections or slow website performance. No penalty will apply
if the submission is within this ‘grace period’. Please do not email me asking if your
submission falls within this grace period.
Since you are supposed to be working on this assignment gradually each week as the
course progresses, the maximum period of special consideration that will be granted
for this assessment (for any reason) is 7 days from the original due date. Also, the
maximum extension that will be granted for Equitable Learning Plans will also by 7
days from the original due date. Any submissions received after this will automatically
be awarded a score of zero.
Special Consideration
Special consideration will only be granted in exceptional cases. You are responsible
for developing your financial plan gradually as you work through each Unit of the
course materials. You should work on your financial plan as you cover each Unit and
avoid leaving it until last minute. You are responsible for completing your financial plan
well before the due date/time to allow for unexpected circumstances or illness. Being
ill during the last week before the date of submission will not normally constitute
grounds for special consideration.

Financial Plan Assignment 4

Loss of data or a damaged device does not constitute grounds for Special
Consideration. You are responsible to regularly backup your work and synchronise it
onto a cloud-based storage solution (such as OneDrive or Dropbox).
If special consideration is granted, the maximum extension that will be granted is
7 days from the original due date. Any financial plans received more than 7 days from
the original due date will automatically be awarded a score of zero.

Individual A
An application for Special Consideration together with supporting documentation must
be submitted online within 3 working days of the due date.
This is an individual assessment. You are permitted to discuss the contents of this
assessment with your family, a spouse or partner. However, all written work, research
and supporting calculations must be your own work. Seeking assistance with your
written work or financial modelling constitutes academic misconduct. Seeking
assistance from Artificial Intelligence computer programs also constitutes academic
misconduct. Providing assistance to any other students also constitutes academic
misconduct. Copying or paraphrasing the work of any other student (from current or
previous terms) constitutes academic misconduct. Copying the work of another student
and then changing the details to reflect your situation and strategies constitutes
academic misconduct. Using another student’s financial plan as a ‘reference’ for you
while you complete your own financial plan is also academic misconduct. Posting a
copy of your assignment on a website is academic misconduct (except for submitting
your assignment on the course website under the appropriate submission link).

If another student approaches you for assistance, please note the time, date and
details of the incident and email the details to me.

University has no tolerance for students who are dishonest or seek to obtain an
unfair advantage over other students. Academic misconduct is a serious offence. It can
result in zero being awarded for this assessment, a failure grade for the course
and/or removal from the University.
No Artificial Intelligence
Using Artificial Intelligence programs or services is not permitted in this assessment.
There are two exceptions to the above ‘no use of Artificial Intelligence’ rule. Students
for whom English is their second language are allowed to use Artificial Intelligence
programs (such as Google Translate) to translate from their native language into
English or to translate from English to their native language. Students with writing
difficulties are allowed to use Artificial Intelligence programs (such as Grammarly) to
help correct their spelling and grammar.
mailto:[email protected]

Financial Plan Assignment 5


You should use the Microsoft Word Template document provided under the ‘Financial
Plan’ section of the course website. Do not use another student’s financial plan as your
template. Note that as a student , you have access to the full suite of Microsoft Office
365 applications. More information about accessing this software is provided below.

Your Financial Plan should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. All students have access to the full suite of Microsoft Office 365 products for free (on both
Windows and Mac). This includes downloadable versions of the entire Microsoft Office
suite to 15 devices (5 desktops, 5 tablets and 5 mobiles).
The steps for downloading the latest version of MS Office are as follows:

3. Click the ‘Install apps’ button
1. Go to
2. Login with the same account and password that you use for
Choose ‘Office 365 apps’.

For students who use the Linux operating system, you should either use one of the
university labs to write the assignment, use a word processor that will export to a
Microsoft Word file format or use a Google Doc and export to Microsoft Word format.
For headings and body text, please use the styles in the Microsoft Word template
Fonts: Please only use either Arial (PC) or Helvetica (Mac) fonts. Students with
dyslexia who find these fonts difficult to read may use Times New Roman.
Font sizes: Please use font size 11 pt for your body text.
Line spacing: Use the default in the Microsoft Word Template provided (1.08 lines).

Financial Plan Assignment 6

Styles: Use the styles provided in the Microsoft Word Template provided.
File format: You should submit your file in Microsoft Word format.

For tables, diagrams, captions, footnotes and other minor formatting elements, you
can choose your own formatting and styles. Please make sure they are easy to read.
Table of Contents
You should update the page numbers in the table of contents before submitting the
final version of your financial plan as a Microsoft Word document. This can be done as
1. User your mouse to select the table of contents on page 1
2. Go to the ‘References’ tab on the command bar at the top of Microsoft Word
3. Select ‘Update Table’ under the ‘Table of Contents’ group on the Ribbon.
4. Select ‘Update Page Numbers Only’ to only update the page numbers or select
‘Update Entire Table’ to also update your Headings.

You should submit your file in Microsoft Word format
File Format
File Name
Please name your financial plan using the following file name format (and extension):

ID Plan.docx
For example, if your student ID is 1234567, your file should be named:
1234567 Plan.docx

Financial Plan Assignment 7

Word Limit
There is no word limit or page limit for this assignment. This is your plan and so you
can ‘invest’ as much time and detail into it as you like. In past terms, most financial
plans are somewhere between 3,000 words and 9,000 words.
References and citations
As a general principle, you do not need to reference the concepts covered in my lecture
slides unless the lecture slides themselves cite another source or it makes sense to do
so given how you are using the concept in your assignment. In most cases, I’m
expecting you to reference other sources that you have identified to support the ideas
in your financial plan including websites, articles, books or videos.
Citations and references for any other article or website should follow standard
university assignment citation and referencing principles. You may use Harvard,
Oxford or APA referencing (see below).
For websites, I’m usually happy with just the author (or company), the date that it was
accessed and a URL (preferably hyperlinked). For example:
“Domain Property Group, accessed 3 January 2024,”
As a general principle, you do not need to reference any pictures that you use in your
financial plan.

When referring to other sources, the standard method for citations at university is in-
text (Harvard). However, in this course I don’t mind whether you use Harvard,
Oxford or APA style referencing.
References are not included in your word count.
This assignment includes personal information that is both private and confidential.
Your assignment is not used for any other purpose except to provide you with a mark

Financial Plan Assignment 8

for this assessment. It will not be used for academic research or commercial purposes.
You should also note that more than 100 students undertake this course each term
and so it is unlikely that I will remember any of your personal information after I finish
marking them all (my memor

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