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Writing a News Release

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Writing a News Release
Writing a news release is a common task of a public relations representative. In this assignment, you will have a chance to write a professional-quality news release using the skills you learned in this unit.
Review the following and choose one situation for this assignment:
Situation 1: Exxon and the Qatar National Petroleum Corporation
The Neptune Gas Project – Phase Three is producing 200 million cubic feet per day of natural gas—along with crude oil.
The plant will extract 25,000 barrels per day of natural gas liquids.
The targeted completion year is 2030.
The project is marketed in Europe but is seeing a greater interest in nonfossil fuels instead.
The gas projects are important to Exxon’s growth plans in Qatar.
Local residents are protesting the plant, disrupting production.
There has been enthusiastic support for the global joint venture.
Drilling for the gas has already begun.
Exxon is negotiating for tax deferrals on the new plant.
People from Exxon, the Qatar National Petroleum Corporation, and Chemitech, a high-profile chemical producing company, were present for this announcement.
An initiative to convert natural gas into clean petroleum fuels will be launched.
Two billion dollars will be earmarked to clean up hazardous waste resulting from the extraction process.
Situation 2: University of Delaware
Millions of people with a history of heart disease continue to ignore necessary treatment.
Prompt diagnosis has improved patient health and saved money.
Many heart patients take medication daily.
The study was backed by a grant from the university.
Heart disease causes lost work time for employees, incurring significant costs to businesses.
The long-term impact of heart disease is still being studied.
A prolonged lack of sleep may be linked to heart disease.
One of the panel members has published a book on the topic.
Heart disease is easily diagnosed with a blood test.
A major drug company is promoting this study to further sales of their new heart drug.
A study determined that after one year, patients who received treatment had a 34 percent lower rate of heart disease symptoms and a 50 percent lower risk of a heart attack or stroke than untreated patients.
The study was conducted by 10 people.
Situation 3: Plasti-lex Corporation
The Plasti-lex Corporation develops and manufactures specialty plastics, focusing on automotive and health care markets.
Plasti-lex has had two new CEOs in the last three years.
Plasti-lex has opened a new sales and marketing office in Phoenix.
The corporation operates manufacturing plants in the U.S. and China. In addition, it has sales offices all over the world.
The new office is situated on property on an old Indian reservation and is currently being protested by tribal members.
The corporation uses new green technology in the building.
Plasti-lex will add 1,000 new staff at its U.S. facility next year.
An office was opened to increase service and local warehousing to support a growing customer base.
Products are sold worldwide to manufacturers of automotive and health care equipment.
The president of Plasti-lex has been investigated for sexual harassment claims made by clients.
Plasti-lex materials are also used in innovative surgical implants.
The China plant is currently dealing with a workers’ strike.
Write a professional news release for your chosen situation in which you address the following:
Be sure to use the proper style, format, content, and writing procedures for your news release.
Some of the facts provided may not be relevant for the news release. Make sure you have selected only those facts that should be included.
You must use Microsoft Word for the news release; however, you may include any details to make the news release look professional and visually appealing.
In your news release, use the inverted pyramid strategy, and make sure it aligns with the integrated market communications strategy.
Writing a News Release Scoring Guide
Due Date: End of Unit 5
Percentage of Course Grade: 5%.
Use integrated market communications (IMC) strategies to produce a news release.
20% Does not produce a news release. Produces a news release, but does not use integrated market communications (IMC) strategies. Uses integrated market communications (IMC) strategies to produce a news release. Uses integrated market communications (IMC) strategies to produce a news release and uses proper formatting.
Use the inverted pyramid strategy to produce a news release.
20% Does not produce a news release. Produces a news release, but it is not entirely based on the inverted pyramid strategy. Uses the inverted pyramid strategy to produce a news release. Uses the inverted pyramid strategy to produce a news release with few to no errors in grammar or formatting.
Analyze an organizational situation and the organization’s interaction with the target audience.
20% Does not describe an organizational situation or the organization’s interaction with the target audience. Describes but does not analyze an organizational situation or the organization’s interaction with the target audience. Analyzes an organizational situation and the organization’s interaction with the target audience. Analyzes an organizational situation and the organization’s interaction with the target audience, and identifies the important factors that are important to the target audience.
Determine what is relevant and important to communicate in a news release.
20% Does not determine what is relevant and important to communicate in a news release. Determines some relevant elements to communicate in a news release. Determines what is relevant and important to communicate in a news release. Determines what is relevant and important to communicate in a news release and selects only the key information to be included in the news release.
Communicate to a specific target audience through a news release.
20% Does not communicate through a news release. Communicates through a news release, but not to a specific target audience. Communicates to a specific target audience through a news release. Communicates to a specific target audience through a news release and uses proper formatting, structure, and grammar for a visually appealing release.

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